Sunday, February 3, 2013


Today we begin the process of joining Marble Collegiate Church.

It is three short walking blocks from our apartment and we can see its steeple from our windows.

Marble Collegiate is a very welcoming church, talks about Jesus, is involved in the community, has really wonderful music, sings hymns we know, and has a great preacher.

It has been meeting continuously since 1628, making it the longest serving congregation in North America,

We're anxious to join, become involved, and make some new NYC friends.

1 comment:

  1. Another reason to come visit you for I'd love to go back to this church. My Mother and I heard Dr. Norman Vincent Peale preach there! Having grown up with a Grandmother and Mother who read Guideposts and still doing that myself each month, and other publications in between, I've always felt a connection there. Are you going to teach a Sunday School class there, too?
