Sunday, July 20, 2014


We learned last summer that NYC is a HOT place in the summer.  To tell the truth, it's been hot but not as bad as last year.  Because of the heat, people and we try to leave and go to cooler climes for a few days.

We just spent three days in Claryville at the Godici farm house in the Catskills.  Two of our meals were fund raisers; one for the Neversink Farms and one for the Claryville Volunteer Fire Department.

The Neversink Farms attracted "No Fracking" Earth People.  Everything we ate was organic and grown and prepared in neighboring farms.  Good food.

We also ate at home where the food was best of all.  A friend named Joe sent us some bacon and I mention him in this video.
Two days from now we head to California for several days in Santa Barbara and then a few days in Corona Del Mar.  Upon return from California two short trips; one to Fire Island and one to the Jersey Shore. We're just trying to keep things cool! 
Here's a bonus video I took the day before we left for Claryville.  It'll take your breath away.

1 comment:

  1. I'm enjoying your blog and I enjoyed meeting you and Tom at the Neversink Farm. I'm sorry my husband and I had to leave before we had a chance to chat more.
