Monday, December 7, 2015


Carolyn and I went to Princeton NJ to see "A Christmas Carol" being presented at McCarter Theater.

The transportation was via New Jersey Transit.  We walked the one block from our apartment to Penn Station NYC and boarded the 10:14 AM Sunday morning train to Princeton, NJ.  Interestingly, we found ourselves packed onto the same train that was taking fans to the New York Giants and the New York Jets game at Met Stadium.  Everyone was carrying lots of beer and all were in the jerseys of their respective teams.  Lots going on.  An adventure in travel.

A member of our Sunday morning church/brunch group was performing in "A Christmas Carol."  The show and our friend were spectacular.

Watch a trailer for the show...

While in Princeton we searched out sites related to Einstein.

At the back of a clothing store across the street from Princeton University is the small museum of Einstein memorabilia.

The owner is Mr. Landau who is Jewish and his grandfather was a physicist with Einstein. 

I ask if this is the only Einstein museum in Princeton and he responded it's the only Einstein museum in the United States!

When the city was offered the bust of Einstein that you see above in the video, the city said they would "donate" the site for $15,000. 

A visitor cannot see the office where Einstein worked nor can you visit his house. There is nothing other than this small museum at the back of a clothing store!

That is Mr. Landau standing next to me and a doll of Albert Einstein in my lap.  This is all there is for Einstein in the United States of America.  Please, correct me if I'm wrong. 


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